Pension/SURS Town Hall: The Constitutional Amendment
October 22, 2012
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
College of Medicine West Tower Auditorium, 2nd floor Room 221
1853 West Polk Street, Chicago, IL 60612
Download iCal FilePresenters:
“The Constitutional Amendment question on the Nov. ballot—if passed—would probably eliminate the current Illinois Constitutional Clause protecting benefits from being diminished or impaired.”
--John Kindt, Professor Emeritus of Business and Legal Policy, UIUC.
"Constitutional Amendment #49 creates very special problems for State Universities, and for those who are committed to their improvement…As we know, a Constitutional Amendment would last beyond our lifetime."
--Dick Lockhart, Lobbyist for the State University Annuitants Association (SUAA).
View the APAC/UIC-UNITED presentation on proposed Illinois Constitutional Amendment:
We encourage you to learn more about the amendment at the APAC/SUAA blog:
Understanding the Constitutional Amendment on the November 6th Ballot
The proposed amendment would require three-fifths votes in the House and Senate to enhance retirement benefits for public employees. Coming in at over 700 words, the amendment is longer than the entire first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution (the Bill of Rights). Please join our presenters, who will help you untangle the complicated language and share their perspectives on the potential implications if passed. You will have an opportunity to submit questions during your registration which will be addressed at the close of the presentation.
Date posted
May 11, 2019
Date updated
May 11, 2019