Rodney Chambers
APAC Treasurer
University Library
Building & Room:
1-280 LIB, MC 234
Office Phone:
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Rodney Chambers is currently the Director of Business and Financial Operations for the University Library and its four sites statewide. He joins APAC after being newly elected to the AP Senate and as a respected colleague of the UIC business community. He holds a master’s degree in Public Administration and is certified in Project Management.
He serves on various committees and advisory work groups dedicated to process improvement across campus and in addition to day-to-day roles and responsibilities, he also committed to student professional development. He hires many students from the College of Business majoring in Accounting and Finance. His unofficial program, R.I.S.E. (Radically Inspiring Student Employees) prepares and equips business student employees with the tools and skills necessary to survive life after college. Many of his students acquire internships and job offers with some of Chicago’s largest accounting firms. He is excited to continue serving the university in this capacity.